Blackburn with Darwen Cemeteries Cremation Wedge

Blackburn with Darwen Cemeteries Cremation Wedge


Our prices include ALL Lettering, Fixing & V.A.T.

Note: – extra designs (i.e flowers, crosses, hobbies) are at an additional cost.

Please see below for further details or contact our office today.


Available at Pleasington, Blackburn Old, Darwen Eastern & Darwen Old cemeteries.

Please note that price includes a 20 year lease. Please see T&C’s document below.

Blackburn with Darwen Cremation Wedge T&C

Please contact our office if you may be interested in this option for a different Cemetery or Churchyard within the Lancashire region.


Below you will find a list of Questions & Answers regarding the Cremation Wedges but please don’t hesitate to contact our office on 01254 202019 if you have any further questions.

Q, Who owns the wedge?

The wedge is always owned by the customer but the cemetery space is leased.

Q, How long is the lease for the wedge?

The cemetery space is leased for an initial period of 20 years; after this time the lease can be extended with an additional cemetery fee.

Q, Do I have a choice of colour for the wedge?

No, to maintain uniformity of the cemetery all wedges will be made in everlasting Sea Grey granite with dove grey painted letters.

Q, Can I put more than one person on the wedge, either now or in the future?

Yes, the wedges can accommodate more names and inscriptions both now and in the future. Further advice and a no obligation scale drawing can be produced allowing you to visualise how the final memorial will look which can then be shared between family and friends.

Q, How many lines of text will fit onto my wedge?

We would recommend approximately 8 lines of text as a guide.

Q, Can I have additional designs, such as a church window, a rose, a hobby/occupation depicted or a photo plaque placed on the wedge?

Yes, these will incur an extra charge.

Q, Can I choose my preferred plot for the wedge?

Yes, please visit the cemetery and photograph any blank wedges indicating your preferred position. Blank wedges are not always available but a good indicator of availability in that area.